Dorchester Drama’s Autumn production will be “Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads”. Trevor Williams will be performing ‘A Chip in the Sugar’ directed by Anne Reeve; Lee Stroud will be doing ‘A Lady of Letters’ directed by Peter and Steve Twinn will also be performing a Talking Head; Jonny White, David and Anne Reeve and Trev will be performing some Alan Bennett smaller monolgue sketches, directed by David. Georgie Willis is overal producer. Alan Bennett is a wonderful writer and very popluar and the evening will be a great mix of poignant characterisation and witty satire.
We will be performing at the Corn Exchange, Dorchester Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th November 7:30pm start. Tickets will be £8 in advance, available at Dorchester Unioted Church Bookshop, 51 Charles Street, Dorchester and by phone on 01305 257694 or £9 on the door.