We’re still getting praise in for the last production, Thanks to everyone who has been in contact to say that they enjoyed it. I’ll try to collect some of the best bits and post them later.
It is always a shame when a production comes to a finish, however, we at DD are never at a loss for something to fill the time and we’re already looking forward to the next production for next year.
‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ is is a play by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht. An example of Brecht’s epic theatre, the play is a parable about a peasant girl who rescues a baby and becomes a better mother than its wealthy natural parents.
This play has lots of characters and there will be a chance to players to take on multiple roles, so whether you do or don’t want a big part, there will be a part for you.
On Monday 4th December there will be a workshop to introduce the play at Acland Court 7:30pm.
Casting will be held at Sunninghill Community hall on Wednesdays 6th & and 13th, 7:30pm.
If you want to come along and find out a little more, feel free to drop in and say Hello and contact us even if you cannot make either of the castings.