Dorchester Drama AGM 2017

Wednesday 23rd August at 7.30p.m.


Sunninghill Community Hall, Culliford Road, Dorchester.


To open with business and conclude with pleasure.

Please bring a plate of food to share

We’d love you to share your favourite piece with us – recite a poem, tell a joke, or perform a skit.

(enthusiaism much more important than talent)

If you want to come and meet us, this is an ideal opportunity.

Austensibility success

Your faithful author has just had a few days away after the end of the play and so here has been a bit of a delay in getting more photos etc online.

The last night at Kingston Maurwood was a complete success, completely sold out, with some very nice comments given to the production team afterwards.

The venue was spectacularly in theme with the play and huge thanks to the College who let us borrow their chairs etc. for the set. Record time for a ‘get in’ to a venue, setting lights etc  ready for curtain up on time. Many thanks as well for the guys that turned up just to help with the get out as well.

We are waiting for a few more photos, particularly of the Kingston Maurwood performance, I was too busy to even think about snapping a few shots before curtain up.

Meanwhile below is the gallery of photos we’ve gathered so far.

Finally, DD aims to put on three productions a year, so we’re straight into the next. Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’. A complete change of pace and genre and due for performances in November. Keep up to date here, on facebook and Twitter.

Also, date for our AGM this year is 23rd August 7:30pm at Sunninghill hall, Culliford Road. Obviously there’s going to be some committee business to do, but there’s also a chance to socialise, meet the group and find out how you can join us.

Austensibility Update

Because of availability of venues, this production will have two performances, both on the 15th July 2017.

The Matinee performance will be at 2:30pm with an evening one at 7:30pm.

There is talk of cake and tea for the afternoon one, and a bar for the evening, but this is still in the planning stages.

This is the first time we’ve actually, single handedly directed a play, and it’s surprising how soon the performance seems. At least I’ve got no lines to learn for this one, though there’s still lots to plan, staging, lighting etc.

Each new production we do attracts new members and we pleased to welcome them into the folds, even if there is no opportunity to perform this time round, it’s brilliant that they all want to help out behind the scenes as well.

Austensibility Cast:
Monica Hunt
Maggie Ansell
Ellie Simmons
Amelia Chorley
Jo Salisbury
Dee Thorne
Sue Worth
Colin Elphick
Ollie Hickey
Sean Colledge




A Portrait of Jane Austen
A Dramatised Reading based on her life and writings
devised by
Alan Richardson

The script is drawn from many of the excellent biographies available, particularly those by David Nokes, Park Honan and Claire Tomalin.
Another valuable source was ‘A Memoir of Jane Austen’ by her nephew, James Edward Austen-Leigh. Her own letters also provide a wonderful source.
Extracts include not only her popular novels such as ‘Sense and Sensibility’, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, ‘Northanger Abbey’ ,’Emma’ and ‘Persuasion’ but many lesser-known works which can surprise even those who think they know their Jane Austen.

Performance date will be 15th July. Sunninghill Hall.

Austensibility – Casting & Reading

Dates for reading and casting the next production, Austensibility, are going to be on Monday 8th May at the Victoria Hotel and Wednesday 10th May at Sunninghill hall.

You can attend one or the other, or even both if you fell like it. Even if you don’t want a part, (or unlucky enough to get a part this time around) we will still need crew for costumes, props, stage management, etc.

Remember also we have our last performance of “Was He Anyone?” at Martinstown on 6th May as well. Going to be a busy week….



Was he Anyone? – Update

It’s quite a change this, split performance dates.

While there is the hassle of building and striking the set in two very different performance spaces, it does mean we get a chance to show everyone some pics from the first lot of performances in time to try to persuade you all to come to the next lot.

It also means that we get to see a review while the play is going on, rather than when we are thinking about the next one:-

Dorset Evening Echo Review – Marion Cox

However, before you peruse a few photos of the performances in the Town Hall, we are looking ahead to the next production already, Austensibility – a performance based on her life & writings. Devised by Alan Richardson, marking the 200 year anniversary of Jane Austen’s death.

Wednesday 26th April 7.30p.m

Sunninghill Community Hall

Play Reading of potential Summer Production in July 2017

“Austensibility” – a Rehearsed Reading/Play about the Life and Works Jane Austen

2017 is the Bicentenary of her death.

All welcome

There hopefully will be another chance to read it on the 8th May. Keep an eye on the website, facebook etc for the venue and details about castings.

Was He Anyone?