Chalk Circle News

Dorchester Drama’s next production is cast and we’ve started rehearsals, running through a complete reading and some blocking. It’s too early to say it’s coming into shape, there are many ideas still being tried out and, for some of us, the concept of Brecht’s Epic Theatre is still quite foreign.

CCC Rehearsal

In the meantime we also had a social evening last week, with a number of planned and impromptu party pieces entertaining those attending.

If you were not there, you missed Rob playing the part of Sleeping Beauty under the direction of Billie, while Mike & Fiona played the King and Queen, but not necessarily in that order. Other talented actors were also involved.

Chalk Circle workshop

By the time you read this, Casting for Caucasian will be under way. There will be another casting night at Sunninghill hall 7:30pm this Wednesday if you fancy coming along.

Last week we had a workshop to introduce the play, and to the Brecht style of Epic Theatre. This involved us playing some improvisation scenes including short versions of Red Riding Hood. These were good enough to put on to the public, so maybe we can suggest to the director a change of production?


Next Production News

We’re still getting praise in for the last production, Thanks to everyone who has been in contact to say that they enjoyed it. I’ll try to collect some of the best bits and post them later.

It is always a shame when a production comes to a finish, however, we at DD are never at a loss for something to fill the time and we’re already looking forward to the next production for next year.

‘The Caucasian Chalk Circle’ is is a play by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht.  An example of Brecht’s epic theatre, the play is a parable about a peasant girl who rescues a baby and becomes a better mother than its wealthy natural parents.

This play has lots of characters and there will be a chance to players to take on multiple roles, so whether you do or don’t want a big part, there will be a part for you.

On Monday 4th December there will be a workshop to introduce the play at Acland Court 7:30pm.

Casting will be held at Sunninghill Community hall on Wednesdays 6th & and 13th, 7:30pm.

If you want to come along and find out a little more, feel free to drop in and say Hello and contact us even if you cannot make either of the castings.

The Crucible – News

We’re into the final week of rehearsals and now we’ve all had a chance to see the power that this play has as it’s coming together in form.

If you don’t know anything about the story, you can see articles in the Dorchester Life magazine as well as the Dorset Evening Echo. The story is as relevant today as it was back when it was written, guaranteed to provoke thought.

Tickets are available from Trinity stores, the box office line or online via the  link here or at the top of the page.