Christmas/New year get together

The members and chosen guests had a wonderful time at our Winter Feast Friday night at The Engine Room on Poundbury last night. The food was excellent, and the entertainments afterwards went down a treat!

We had poetry readings from young and old alike, monologues, that were definitely not monotonous, sketches and a couple cracking songs.

However, back to it for us. We have two more play readings this week, in which time it is hoped the cast will be chosen.

Remember, Mondays will now be at the Victoria Hotel and Wednesdays at Sunninghill hall as normal.


And a Happy New Year.

This Wednesday 7th Jan, is the official play reading for the next play. At Sunninghill as normal.

Then we’ve got the Members Meal at the Engine Room on Saturday, 7pm. See you there.

Monday 12th will either be the casting for the play or another reading, depending on how this wednesday goes. At the Victoria Hotel. Upstairs. Ask the bar where we are if you’ve never been there before.

NOTE: All Rehearsal, readings etc. on Monday will be at the Victoria Hotel in future. Thanks to Sunninghill letting us use the classroom there in the past, but it’ll be nice to sit on grown up seats… And the chance for a pint during rehearsals can be a bonus as well.

Victoria Hotel, 33 Maud Road, Dorchester DT1 2LW. For those who have not been there.

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The quiz at the Colliton Club was a huge amount of fun, and thank you to everyone who came along, and especially Fran and Ann for providing the quizzes!

Below are a few updates to keep you posted:
  • Having had some really fun play readings for in the last few weeks, they will now be stopping until after Christmas, when the preparations for the Spring Production will start! This means there is no play reading next week (Wednesday 17th December).
  • Plans are in place for our (Post-)Christmas Meal at 7pm in the Engine Room in Poundbury on the Friday 9th January. We’ve been given a fantastic deal by Jess of two courses for £12 pp. Please reply by Friday 19th December to Fran Sansom (, with your answers. This is only open to members and their families, but members may bring a plus one.  And always remember you can pay your membership when you book a place.

We have made a call out for party pieces afterwards. If you have anything – a poem, song, sketch – tell Fran when you arrive at the dinner and we will put a programme order together on the night.

  • The official read through of the spring play will be happening on Wednesday 7th January. We are looking at a funny but poignant piece, looking at the generation divide, which will need four men and four women. Further details to be confirmed. these will be appearing on the website. Please invite anyone who you think may be interested, members and non-members!

Finally – I’ve produced a news letter for people that do not access to the Great WWW. It’s just a quick wind up of the news which appears on here, Facebook and Twitter, But I’d hate to leave anybody unable to get updates. – Check the Newsletter tab at the top of the page.

So it was you all along……….

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Cracking last night for the play. Thanks to everyone who came to see it and laughed in all the right places, and some of the wrong ones. Check out the gallery page for the latest photos.

Huge apologies to Dee Thorne, who we left off the programme and thankyou’s. She worked hard gathering costumes and, you know the knife that killed Penworthy, Yes, that was all Dee’s creation with some help from her husband. Sorry again. promise to do better in future.

So what now?. Well over the next few weeks and months we are running a few events. Keep an eye on the website, twitter and facebook for more updates. Dates below.

  • Play readings at Sunninghill Community Hall on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm.  Starting this week, Wednesday 26th November.  This isn’t a commitment to anything, it’s an evening out with some like-minded people, reading a few plays and enjoying a coffee.  We’d love to see you. Open to non members.
  • Christmas Fun and Games  at the Colliton Club.  Monday 8th December 7.00- 7.30pm start to be confirmed.  An evening of light-hearted competition and perhaps the odd bevvy.  All welcome, children, friends and non-members.  Come and join our pre-Christmas gathering. Have a go at a quiz or just come to catch up.
  • Christmas Meal.  Friday 9th January. Members only I’m afraid. OK so it’s a Post-Christmas Meal, but it’s going to be good. We are going to be at the Engine Room, Poundbury Garden Centre– just us, with Jess running the Bar.  This means, that as well as a great meal, we get to do what we want.  So dust off your party pieces, your favourite skit, the poem you learnt at school, get the kids to practise a song.  Of course, you can just come along, enjoy a meal and watch the rest of us have a go – if you want to!  Just come along, the more the merrier.  Further details to follow soon, but let us know if you’re interested.

Dress Rehearsal

Last night’s dress rehearsal was great fun.  A few photos below, more to follow.

Tonight is the opening night. “Break a leg” to all the actors. (If you’re not familiar with ‘acting’ terminology, this is not a disgruntled bad wish to players, but a wish of fair tidings, the ‘G.L’ phrase being considered bad luck by those that ‘tread the boards’.)

Plenty of tickets still available for tonight. They will be available on the door as well as from the booking number and Trinity stores.

Tomb with a View_Freda and Perry Tomb with a View_Emily Dora Lucian And Penworthy Tomb with a View_Dora and Lucien Tomb with a View_Penworthy and Lucien Tomb with a View_Marcus

Get In…..

Scenery is going up and lighting is being set.

An awful lot of very nice people have put an awful lot of very nice work into the last few days. We even managed to get a sort of rehearsal done last night, trying to squeeze behind the flats and through the doors, amidst periods of light testing ( which apparently means turning them all off occasionally).

Please come and support us, tickets are selling and we’d love to sell out.

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Also keep tuned for news of a couple of social events that are planned. These are planned for both members and non-members and will give you a chance to talk about what we do, if you don’t know…….

“A Tomb with a View”

Rehearsals are ongoing. It’s great to see characters developing and scenes coming together. There is a lot of work still to do though, and everyone is aware that time is passing by at a great rate.

There is an initial poster and flier out doing the rounds, but also keep an eye out for a more professional one about to hit the streets as well. The banner promoting the play is also up at the ‘Top of Town’ roundabout as well. If anyone would like to put a few fliers out, or a poster up, please contact us asap. The sooner we get the word out, the more people will get to hear about the production.

Also we are going to start appealing for people to help with ‘front of house’, back stage, donation of raffle prizes etc. But most of all, book a ticket and come along to see the show. I can promise a story that will keep you guessing right up to the last page…..