Monthly Archives: August 2024

2024 AGM

Reminder that the AGM is tomorrow at the Youth Association hall, Lubbecke Way, Dorchester. 7:30pm

As usual there will be a short session of business, electing committee members and a run through of what DD has been up to the last year. Then there will be the social side with drinks and nibbles and a chance to catch up with what we’re planning for next year.

All are welcome.

Blithe Spirit Auditions in Dorchester: Dates and Locations

Auditions for DD’s next production, Blithe Spirit, will be on:

Monday 2nd Sept 7:30-10pm. Upper room at Tom Browns Pub, High East St, Dorchester.

Wednesday 4th Sept 7:30-9:30pm at the Pointe dance studio, Durngate St, Dorchester.

Rehearsals will be every Monday and Wednesday with an extra one at Piddlehinton gym Sunday 17th Nov in the evening.

Everyone is welcome to come along for auditions as well as coming along to help out with backstage and front of house tasks.